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Tues morning start slow & finish strong - really strong

200 Choice

16 * 25 rotating kick on :35 - 6 fast dolphin kicks then smooth

400 long pull 12 * 25

1-2) Pull long on 30 3) PBL on :35, 4) PBL LA on :40 5) PBL on :35

6) PBL RA on :40

800 IM Fins and Paddles - smooth build - Fly with snorkel 75 Kick/25 Swim

Sprint from dive when at the block side - everything on 5:00.

Fast as possible without spinning

1) 10m then easy and walk back

2) 20m then wait

3) 30m then swim back to diving side

4) 40m swim in long

5) 50

6) 40m 7) 30m

8) 20m

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