600 Pull
6 * 100 1-3 descend, 4-6 Descend with fins
400 IM K/S/Drill/S
1/2 hour to here
6 * 25 1) long, 2) speed drills
A/ Breast (twice thru)
4 * 75 BK/Br Pull on 1:30 alternate 50/25 and 25/50
200 2K1P on 3:30
2 * 25 underwater streamlined breast kick on :45 (not a breathholding drill - breath when you need to but keep hands together
1:00 break
Fly 4 * 25 kick descend on :45
4 * 50 flip into strong fly on 1:00
8 * 25 smooth fly on :45
9 * 100 - last 25 flip into fly
4 on fpp + 10
3 on fpp +5
2 on fpp
or C/
4 * 25 build and descend on :45
4 x 50 build and descend on 1:00 4 x 50 on 1:30 descend SC and/or time
9 * 100
4 on fpp + 10
3 on fpp +5
2 on fpp
A,B& C swimmers then swim easy and start
12 * 50 best average on 1:30 with enough time to finish
20 * 100 Free 5 on fpp+15,
5 on fpp+10,
3 on fpp +5 2 on fpp 3 on fpp+5
2 on fpp
join in on 12 * 50