800 with fins - max 1/2 free
3 slow big dolphin kicks off wall
8 * 25 on :40 with big paddles - maximum distance per stroke SLOW
400 Kick fast kick 5m in and big push off wall (no strokes)
600 with fins 50 6 kicks/25 RA/25 LA
8 * 25 on :40 with big paddles - maximum distance per stroke or
2K1P (2-3 cycles) or smooth fly with paddles and fins
400 with proper turns
8 * 25 as above
400 come off every wall with a smooth fly stroke (no breath)
8 * 25 as above 2 * (7 * 50 ascend) on :35/50/40/50/45/50/55 + 5 if not free