3:30entrance, 3:45 start
Mon Oct 25
Warm up
400 IM Fly = K/S by 25, Back = Swim – long turns, BR = 2K1P, Free = Fast turns
800 IM with fins Kick/6 Kicks/Swim with dolphin Kick/6 Kicks by 200
Speed work Four times thru (singles lanes on aprox 1:00, double lanes on 2:00) Lane 1 sprint 25 Lane 2 Easy 25 Lane 3 sprint 50 (40s apart) Lane 5 & 6) 100 Build Kick no board Lane 7 & 8) 100 Build Swim 10m off every wall
Aerobic work 9/10 * 200 A ` B C 1-4) descend on 3 3:15 or 3:30 5-7) strong on 2:45+15s (last) 3:00 or 3:15 8-9 or 8) long on 3:15 3:30 (1) or 3:45 (1)
last one Sprint Sprint Sprint
8 * 100 kick
2 on 2:00 or 2:20
1 on 1:45 or 2 2 on 2:15 or 2:20 1 on 1:45 or 2
1 on 2:30 or 1:30 (50)
1 on 1:45 or 2:00
Technique and Warmdown 4 * thru vertical dolphin kicking
(6 min)
400, 300, 200, mix & match Fly, Back, Breast, Free mix & match
Kick, Pull, Swim