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Fri Nov 5th

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

6 * 100 on 1:45

1st turn underwater, 2nd turn fast, 3rd turn flip into 15m underwater 15m underwater gets faster to #3 then hold all out

10 * 50 1) build into last 25 fast, 2) 12.5 sprint, 3&4) fast middle 25

4 * (2 * 75 at 200 Pace, 1 * 50 at 200 Pace, 1 * 50 fast)

Rd 1 on 1:15, Rd 2 on 1:30, Rd 3 on 1:45 2 min between rounds

6 * (100 Pull -10s - 50 fast Kick – 50 build last 25 no free) 4:00

5 * ( 4 * 25 K (F-E-F-F) on 30, 40, 30, 40 100 PBL Build on 1:50)

4 * 75 off stroke on 1:20

3 * 200 with fins on 4:00 1) long, 2) build, 3 strong – IM??

2 * 100 sprint kick on 5:00

1 * 400 choice

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