Tuesday 7:30-8:50 (WILL BE DONE 10 MIN EARLY)
8x50 dec 2 on 1:05, 2 on 1:00, 2 on :55, 2 on :50
6x50 IM switch 1:00
4x50 dec to p200
2x50 build kick
75 build to fast Stroke Rate 1:30 or 1:40
100 sprint 1:40 or 2:00
If racing Thursday
1x thru as above then
2x thru:
25 smooth 1:30 or 1:40
100 sprint 1:40 or 2:00
4x thru
15m ALL OUT/35 smooth 1:30
20m ALL OUT/30 smooth 1:30
25m ALL OUT/25 smooth 1:30
30m ALL OUT/20 smooth 1:30
If not racing this week
8x 15sec ALL OUT KICK 1:00
If racing this week
450-500 fins 3/3,5/5 8:00
8x50 ascend 2 on :50, 2 on :55, 2 on 1:00, 2 on 1:05