400, 4 * 100, 4 * 50 descend
4 * 25 15/10
18 mins
6 turns 1-3 descend 4-6 hold on :40
2 * (6 * 50 1-3 descend 4-6 hold)
1st round RA or 2K1P Breast or Fly with fins and snorkel 2nd round LA or Breast or Fly
40 min to here then 30 * 75
twice thru
3 * 50 (sprint drill then long swim) on 1:30
100 done as 75 long/25 build on 2:00
3 * (8 * 25 fast)
Round 1 swim on :25
Round 2 with fins on :25
Round 3 on :30