800 SKPS
3 * 100 IM - options apply
at 8:22
4 * 50 1) 15-25-10, 2) 15-25-10
Shallow end all Kick - then move to deep end aerobic
4 * 25 Kick descend on :35
100 strong 2:40
4 * 25 15 second sprint then walk on 1:00 100 off stroke easy 2:30
100 fast kick on 2:30
4 * 50 hold 100 speed on 1:15
Dive lanes - 20 minutes - then move to kick
10 * 25 from dive - 25 easy swim back
1-4 descend 6-10 fast but under control
Deepest 4 lanes - then move to dives
10 * 100
4 on fastest possible pace (fpp) + 20s 3 on fpp + 10s
2 on fpp + 5s
1 on fpp swim easy until 20m in is done