400 Dr/S/K/S by 50
6 * 50 Bk K/Br swim
6 * 50 build into sprint turn and fast 10m 4-6) with fins
4 * 100 IM on 1:45 – 1st 3 with fins
1) Flutter Kick throughout
2) Dolphin Kick throughout
3) Choice
4) Swim
4 * 200 Pull descend
1-3) every 4th 25 Fly or Breast
5) Fast but even split
40 minutes to here
800 IM flow (last 25 of each 200 fast (5s before and after)
3 times thru
25 sprint kick on :40
50 swim – build kick on 1:20
50 sprint kick on 1:20
50 swim – build kick on 1:20
75 sprint kick on 1:40
75 swim long 1:40
8 * 75
1) 25 scull/50 Swim
2) 25 fist/50 Swim