800 IM Flow with fins 4 * 100 pull descend
4 * 75 kick descend
4 * 50 1) 15-25-10, 2) 15-25-10
35 min to here
4 x 50 at distance pace (400-1500) 3 x 100 at distance pace
2 * 200 at distance pace
4 * 20m walk back from a dive slight descend
eggbeater, vertical dolphin kick, fast turns
12 x 15-20s efforts on 2:00-2:30 with
25-50m worth of technique adjustments in between
technique adjustments
streamlines pullouts
super slow swimming
drills with a purpose
12 * 50
2 on :37.5, 2 on 40, 2 on 45, 3 on 50, 3 on 55 - adjust as needed