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Thur Dec 21

200 Choice on 4

32 * 25 Kick

4 on :35 rotating no board, 2 on 25 (Chloe and Annie Swim 4 IM order then 50 fast IM order for 4, choice for 2)

three times thru

200 Fins and paddles - slight build great technique

4 * 50 on 1:30

1) 10s break every 10m

2) 15s break every 12.5

3) 20s rest at 25

4) 50 sprint with fins and paddles

100 long on 2:00

last 1/2 hr

3*(6*75) Pull - 1 min rest between rds aim for 5 s faster each round

  1. 50 Back/25 Breast

  2. 25 Back/50 Breast

4? times thru

2 * 25 on 50 1) RA PBL 2) LA PBL - keep it together!!

50 swim on 50


800 Swim/Kick/Drill/Swim with fins

300 Pull build 300 Kick (200 build/15s/100 fast)

EBSC 25's

A/ 10 * 50 ( off wall kick to bottom then to surface) 1-4 descend on 1:15

B/ 10 *25 on 1:15 15m kick all out then fast swim (no breakout)

C/ 10 * 15m with chutes 3 dolphin kicks then sprint easy float to other side

over top of the water and hold it

25s on :35

Fly - breathing every 3

Bk - break out fast and wide entry swimming

Br - no pullout 4 Kicks/1 Pull/3 Kicks/1 pull....

Free - early catch and hold teh water

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