400 build and maintain SC on 7:00
4 * 75 descend on 1:15 - use this to help set a time below
4 * 50 1) 15-25-10, 2) 15-25-10
Once through on 75 fpp
2 * 75, 1 * 50
3 * 75, 1 * 50
4 * 75, 1 * 50
5 * 75, 1 * 50
One practice round then:
5 *
5 kicks and 5 stroke breakout/flip/dolphin kick back
All fast
on 3:00 the last 2 rounds with fins on 3:00 minutes!!!
8 * 100 IM with fins on 2:00
Fly = underwater recovery
Back = 3-2-1
Br - 1 dolphin kick per pull
Free = easy kick with 4 explosive strokes
5 * 10s vertical kick smooth 100 with fast kick off last wall on 2:15