4 by 100, 1 by 125 3 by 100, 2 by 125 2 by 100, 3 by 125
1 by 100, 4 by 125
All with fins all on 1:30, 1:35 or 1:45
100's = K/S, 125's = S
Four times thru
3 * 75 on 1:20, 1:10, 100 or
1:15 --> 55 or
1:10--> 50
4 * 25 1) 15m sprint kick/10 easy Swim on :45 2) 15m sprint S/10 easy
3) 25 build
5) 25 sprint
Challenge yourself by picking a challenging pace time or stroke(s) just make the last 75 and right into sprint K
Last 20 min
5? * thru
2 * 25 easy speed on:30
1 * 50 on :40
15m sprint on 1:00