300 Pull breathing every 3 on 5:00
4 * 75 Swim descend on 1:20
300 Kick (200 IM/100 IM) on 5:40 (250?)
4 * 75 PBL - descend on 1:15
300 Swim - no free, max 200 back on 5:00
4 * 75 K build and descend on 2:00
20 min of straight kicking at:
4:00 - 60s of fast kicking
8:00 - 50s of fast kicking
12:00 - 40s of fast kicking
16:00 - 30 s of fast kicking
For those who can watch the clock too, try to go farther in each 5 min cycle
5 * 400 with fins on 5:00 (could do 2 * 350, 2 * 375, 1 * 400) or other variation
1) 1st 25 of every 100 drill
2) 1st 25 of every 100 drill and 12.5 sprint kick on 4th 25 of 100's)
3) 12.5 kick off every wall
4) long (+30s rest)
5) fast