400 Pull at every 4th 25 alternate Back & Breast
300 breath every 5
4 x 50 descend to 200 pace
4 * 25 15/10
9x300 on 4:30 free/5:00 stroke can leave early on anything 3 smooth free
1build stroke
2smooth free
1strong stroke
1smooth free
1fast stroke
5 x 400 from 5:20 to 4:40 or 5:30 to 4:50 or..
2 x 800 with choice of equipment 1 free, 1 can be mixed
100, 200, 300, 400 IM on 1:30/100
300, 200, 100 on 1:25/100. plus/minus as needed to get about 5s rest per 100
2 x 800 with choice of equipment 1 free, 1 can be mixed