20 *25 - at least 8 non free
4 on 30, 2 on :25
3 on 30, 3 on :25
2 on 30, 2 on :20
1 on 30, 3 on :20
300 Pull, 200 IM Kick, 4 * 25 on :45 15/10
Eleven minutes per lane
Lane 1
(3*10s on 10 s off vertical dolphin/ 2 dolphin kicks off wall) 4 times thru
Lane 2
18 * 25 with fins on 30
1&2) sprint kick 3&4) sprint swim
Lane 3
500-600 pull - snorkels optional
Lane 4
8 * 25 with chutes
IM order 2 Fly, 2 Bk...
Lane 5
9 * 50 on 1:00
Free/Flip into fly
50 Fly
Lane 6
8 * 25 15s sprint K
Lane 7
5/6 or 7 * 100 descend on 1:40, 1:35 or 1:30
Lane 8
400 IM Flow with fins
Lane 9
12*25 Breast
Streamlined kick
Lane 10
5 triangles