300 Pull on 5:00
4 * 75 Kick descend on 2:00 - big drops
300 Swim on 4:30
4 * 75 Pull descend on 1:30 big drops
300 Kick (200 IM/100 IM) on 7 - very long
4 * 75 Swim descend on 1:05 or 1:15 or 1:20 - small drops to very fast
400 long from pull/swim/Kick/Overkick with fins on 6:00
4 * 25 fast with fins on 1:30
300 Pull with paddle
4 * 25 speed drill on 1:30 - speed drill could just be a fast 25 (blocks/push/blocks/push)
200 long choice
2 * XYZ with 10 min easy swim between
X=25-75 on 1:00
Y=50-150 on 2:00
Z=50-250m on 3:00
24 * 75 on 1:30
1 sprint from blocks, 3 long
800 with fins kick/6K's on back/choice/6 kicks - Free
4 dolphin kicks off every wall