300 Swim on 5:00
4 * 75 kick descend on 1:30
300 Pull on 4:30
4 * 75 swim descend (or Pull breath every 5 if free) on 1:30
300 Kick (200 IM plus 100 IM)
Three times thru
50 done as 25 sprint from dive/8s rest/8m sprint underwater choice of kick/finish smooth
100 done as 25 sprint from dive/8s rest/8m sprint underwater choice of kick/finish smooth scanning for stroke errors when swimming smooth
2 * sprint on 1:00 (choice of max tempo work until you can't maintain
options include Vertical kick, spin drill, head up, egg beater....
10*100 smooth with fins for 60m slight build into turn and longer than usual dolphin kick off last wall
3 * 300 ascend